I realize with a title like this that it should be January & I should be extolling the virtues of New Year's resolutions & becoming a better me. But it's August, not January & I didn't actually make any resolutions this year. It's not that I didn't want to find a better me, it's just that life began to happen so quickly that pure existance became my only goal. From my boss being "let go" at work to my debit card number being stolen & nearly $500 worth of purchases made. From a roommate who is now engaged to the possibility of moving from a house I've called home for the past 7 years. From not being cast for a part in a play that I'd been looking forward to for over a year to finding new side effects in the game I play called lupus. It's been quite the year & it's only August. So what does one do?

Curl up in bed & refuse to venture anywhere near the surface of your covers? Grab a gallon of ice cream & find an industrial size dryer to sit on? Perhaps, but only for a moment. Because feather pillows & extra creamy pineapple passion fruit only goes so far in picking up the pieces of what you thought was your life. So what does one really do? I guess jump in with both feet! After all, I have a job with wonderful coworkers that I call my friends & though it may be stressful & crazy at times, it supports me....period. And whoever the joker was that kifed my debit card number & sent an Oreck vacum cleaner & curling iron to my house, along with subscriptions to movie & game networks & adult entertainment, you had no idea who you were messing with! As for wedding plans, roommates & a place to hang my hat - just imagine an adorable townhouse where the landlord takes care of the lawn & my bedroom is bigger than a cubicle....such possibilities!

Even a missed part in a play, a part that you had been imagining since you were a little girl, can be picked up & bandaged. Maybe not fixed, but bandaged with wonderful new friends & talents you never knew you wanted. The lupus now is a different story, but having to actually pay attention to how much sleep you get, the food you eat & the exercise you do is a good thing - annoying, but good. So this may not be the beginning of a new year, but today & tomorrow, next week & next month are all brand new to me!
Atta girl Annie! I love you, and I wouldn't be where I am today without ya.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough year. That is never fun. Just hang in there. So does this mean that you are moving? If so, where too? Send me an email so we can catch up.
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